This is “publishing hut” La Gr@not@’s blog site, which was set up fairly recently… so we’re still finding our feet. It will be used to showcase some of our authors and their books – either already published or works in progress [WIP].
And there are [already] 4 blogs dedicated to projects in which YOU can participate. (See “The Habit”, “siasl”, “DragonLitInvasion”, and “openings” in our list of blogs.) Which means that your work could be included in future, collaborative publications of La Gr@not@’s! [The cover for one of them – “Stranger(s) In A Strange Land” – can be seen below. Its youngest author/illustrator (featured on the cover of the digital edition, below) was 5 years old (now 10), the eldest will be 94 or 95 if she submits something new for the digital edition.]
A quick resumée of each of those blogs:
“charlie” stands for My Friend Charlie by Jimmy Hollis i Dickson. Read the 1st chapter of this book about 10-year-old non-binary Charlie, narrated by their best friend, Alex.
“Ghastly” stands for Ghastly School Shorts by Lynda Thornhill (fully illustrated by Kay Johanna), a collection of vignettes for middle-grade readers, taking place in a very strange school. 2 sample chapters can be read here on WordPress.
“draGons” stands for draGons/draCs/¡draGones!, a picture book by Wilhelmina Lyre and Georgia Lythgoe, published quadrilingually, but the first few pages are presented here only in English (with one proper name in drAgon).
“Huggy Bug” will be a colouring book for younger children on the theme of child abuse. The full text – by Mark Thorne – is featured here, but none of the completed drawings (by Sarah Campbell) to be coloured in by children.
“siasl” stands for “Stranger(s) In A Strange Land”, an anthology of flash fiction and graphic art on the subject of refugees, still accepting submissions. 2 contributions are featured in this blog.
The Habit is a WACKY, collaborative-writing project, on which 13 authors (7 of them zombies) are already at work USING THIS WORDPRESS SITE, but it’s early days yet, and we’re hoping that YOU will join the writing/illustrating team! It’s a prequel to THE saga, the beginning of which also appears here on WordPress.
“Score” is a collection of flash fiction, each entry exactly 20 words long, following 30 prompts.
“DragonLitInvasion” is a spin-off from one of the prompts from “Score”, but without the 20-word rule.
And “openings” is meant to be an anthology of short stories, composed entirely of the first and last sentences of famous books. Nobody has submitted to it yet, so you could be the first!
La Gr@not@ can be followed on Twitter using the handle @granota_hut.
If you’re interested in submitting an unsolicited manuscript or illustrations, you should read
Here are the books which have already been published in digital format:

And here are three of those in preparation. (The first two being converted from print to digital and expanded, the third still in the early stages of accepting entries.)

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