Flash fiction about and for refugees .

STOP PRESS!!! The anthology is already out! However, we're already working on an expanded, improved 2nd edition... as well as an e-book version.

The e-book version will be able to include sound recordings and even videos! So please get your braincells working and send us more material. We've already accepted a poem and 4 pieces of flash fiction to add to what's in the 1st edition. And the 486-word limit is now flexible... by a little. Try to keep the stories under 600 words.

The address to send your submissions is [anti-robot tactic to prevent floods of spam - you'll have to type this out]:

La Gr@not@ wants to publish a book of flash fiction + graphic art with the theme of refugees, and for this project we ask your collaboration.

You may send up to 3 stories (which deal with the subject, please), each one with a maximum of 486 words... and/or up to 3 pieces of graphic art (only original work: we don't want problems with copyright) which illustrate the theme and are in the form of .jpg/.jpeg and vertical. (Page size will be A5.) Digital photos, scanned drawings, paintings, or collages, photos of sculptures...

The author/artist retains copyright of their own work (as is always the case with La Gr@not@).

We would especially (but not exclusively) like to receive contributions from children and young people. And since the book will be read by the young as well as by adults, we ask that your work not be too explicit sexually nor depict extreme violence.


Use your own title for each work . The title of the book will - probably - be "Stranger(s) In A Strange Land". (And for those of you who think that we stole that title from Robert A. Heinlein: it's a biblical quote.)

Stories may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, English, or German. Depending on how many contributions we receive, we might bring out a book in each language or perhaps a multi-lingual book.


100% of the profits from this book will go to groups that work with refugees.

La Gr@not@ won't make a single cent/penny out of this. Nor will you. BUT you will qualify for a copy of the book at cost price (printing + P&P). And you'll be able to buy as many extra copies as you wish (as gifts, donations to your local library or school, etc.) at 60% of the list price. (We won't know how much that will be until we see how much response we get.)

You may send all your work together or a piece at a time. The deadline (the 25th of Jan., 2017) has run out without our receiving enough submissions to warrant an anthology. There is therefore now NO deadline: when we have enough, we will TRY to have the book ready for the Barcelona book fair on the 23rd of April. The earlier you send your submissions, the more time we'll have to prepare the book for publication.

La Gr@not@ has also decided that - due to the quality of the contributions - once this anthology is actually published, more people might be moved to submit something. Two options are being considered: an expanded version and creating a series (Vol.II, Vol.III, etc.). So keep those submissions coming!

Thank you!!!

(Open window to our homepage http://la-granota.com )